Position Nominated for:District 17 Area Director for Area 3
Member of the Zonta Club of:Cagayan de Oro 2
Classification:Doctor OB GYNE - 103081
Date Joined:June 1, 1966

Present positions in Zonta
- Member, Board of Directors - Zonta Club Cagayan de Oro 2
Prior positions in Zonta
- Elected: Vice Area Director. Area 3 (2003)
- Elected: President (1998-2000)
Participation and attendance in Zonta events
International Conventions attended:
- Bangkok ( Virtual) 2022
- Manila - 2018
- Manila - 2004
District conferences attended:
- Area 3 Meeting - Cebu. - February 2020
- Area 3 Meeting Iloilo
- Area 3 Meeting Cagayan de Oro 2018
Achievements as a Zontian
Charter Member of Zonta Cagayan de Oro 2 and was President in 1998-2002. - Feeding Program in our adopted area in Macabalan ( Duyan).
- Fund Raising Project “DANZE for Health” with proceeds for Outreach Programs.
- Collaborated with the POGS Northern Mindanao Chapter and local Barangays for Reproductive Health Information Drive, with free Pap Smear.
- Cervical Cancer Screening and Lectures on Reproductive Health at St. Francis Parish and at the Relocation Site of Typhoon Sendong Victims in Opol, MISAMIS Oriental in partnership with POGS Northern Mindanao Chapter.
- LAY FORUM: NO to Violence Against Women and Children.
- Conducted Information Drive “ No to Teen Age Pregnancy “ in Mambuaya, with lectures and interactive sessions with POGS Northern Mindanao Chapter thru their PREPARE PROGRAM, with different modules centering on sex education, female and male differences, imparting values to help them avoid getting into situations that can lead to unwanted pregnancies. There were more than 40 teenagers from the far flung rural areas , some with their mothers , which is a helpful move so parents are aware of how their teenagers think and behave.
- Menopause Lectures for Women’s Health during yearly Celebration of World Menopause Day in October.
Business / Professional Information
Current Company/Organization:
Philippine Obstetrical and GYnecological Society (POGS), Phil. Society for Reproductive Medicine, Phil. Society of Climacteric Medicine, Brotherhood of Christian Businessmaen and Professionals (BCBP)
Nature of business:
Active Medical Surgical Practice in OB GYN, Infertility and Menopause
Past President 2001& 2002 of POGS, Regional Director of POGS Northern Mindanao Chapter, 2006-2008, 2016-2019
Number of years in most recent position
25 years in active medical practice
Responsibilities of position :
As President and as Regional i rector of POGS Northern Mindanao, it is my duty to uphold the mission and mission of the Society as well as to instill and propagate its Core values of Integrity, Accountability, Competence , Innovation , saddled on compassion for our patients, the Filipina and her child. It is also my responsibility to carry out the many projects of the National Office, cascaded through me as Regional Director which touches on Reproductive Health, Safe LAbor and Delivery, Adequate Prenatal Care, and many more.
Contribution of business/professional experience to the effective performance of positions:
My profession as a doctor of medicine, particularly engaged in dealing with women’s Health is very much aligned with the advocacy of Zonta, which is for the Advancement of The Status of Women. The Philippine Obstetrical and Gynecological Society, (Foundation ) Inc., is very much engaged in improving the lives of women in all aspects of their lives, from adolescence to adulthood, going through motherhood, Menopause and beyond. Health issues are being addressed, as well as personal issues related to family matters, and psychosocial aspects. POGS Northern Mindanao Chapter has been working closely with ZONTA Cagayan de Oro 2 towards achieving our goals of decreasing maternal mortality, as well as eliminating Cervical Cancer, and decreasing TeenAge Pregnancy
Involvement in other organizations
- Brotherhood of Christian Businessmen and Professionals of CdO West Chapter member since 2017
- Philippine Obstetrical and Gynecological Society, Northern Mindanao Chapter, Inc. - Past President 2001-2002, Regional Director 2006-2008, 2017-2019
- Over-all Chairman of the National POGS Midyear Convention held May 16-19, 2023 , in Cagayan de Oro with the POGS Northern Mindanao Chapter as Host
What are your goals for advancing the objects of Zonta International in District 17 and concrete programs to accomplish?
- To help improve the economic status of women, through sustainable livelihood programs.
- Promote health education by providing access to correct information.
- Collaborate with private organizations such as POGS to help address the rising cases of Teen Age Pregnancy, and lessen the burden of Cervical Cancer, though education and screening.
- Collaborate with Government agencies, to help prevent human trafficking, white slavery , through information campaign and vigilance.
What special competencies and attributes do you possess which qualify you to serve in the position you are nominated for?
- Organizational skills, transformational leadership, ability to get along well with people from different sectors of the society.
- Perseverance, persistence, appropriate boldness in taking steps to achieve the intended goals.