Position Nominated for:Area Director for Area 2
Member of the Zonta Club of:Hong Kong
Classification:Legal Professional
Date Joined:June 12, 2006

Present positions in Zonta
- District 17 – Area 2 Vice Director 2022-2024 (elected)
- Zonta Club of Hong Kong – Director 2022-2024 (elected)
Prior positions in Zonta
- Appointed: D17 Advocacy Committee (2012-2014)- Vice Chair Area 2
- Appointed: D17 Advocacy Committee (2014-2016)- Vice Chair Area 2
- Elected: Club President (2014-2016)
- Elected: 2nd Vice President (2012-2014)
- Elected: Director (2010-2012)
- Appointed : Public Affairs & United Nations Committee: Chair (2006-2008; 2008-2010; 2010-2012)
- Appointed : Advocacy Committee: Co-Chair (2012-2014)
- Appointed : Installation Committee: Chair (2018-2020)
- Appointed : Advocacy Committee : Chair (2018-2020)
Participation and attendance in Zonta events
District conferences attended:
- Bangkok (2021) – (virtual-online)
- Hong Kong (2019) - (Business Committee of the District Conference Organizing Committee- Member; MC of Luncheon Sharing titled “Honouring our Celebrated Zontians”)
- Bangkok (2015)
- Hong Kong (2013)
Area Meetings/Workshops attended:
- Area 2 Meeting – 2014 (Conducted Area Training on Advocacy- as Area 2 Vice Chair of District 17 Advocacy Committee)
- Area 2 Meeting- 2022 (Assisted as Area 2 VAD Elect)
- Area 2 Meeting (to be held on 8th July, 2023 and to assist as Area 2 VAD)
Achievements as a Zontian
President (2014-2016)
- DG’s Club Awards:
- empowering women/girls: 1st Place
- address early marriage/teenage pregnancy: 2nd Place
- DG’s Z Club Awards:
- Advocacy Award- 1st Place
- Service Award- 2nd Place
- Club’s nominees won:
- Jane M. Klausman Scholarship- District Award 2015
- Emma L. Conlon Award 2014- 3rd Place
Led Club’s:
- “Caring for Carers” Forum/Survey (supported by 13 charities/NGO) 2011 Report “Towards a Caregiver Policy in HK” with University of HK & submission to HK Chief Executive 2013
- Advocacy Forum “Women-in Technology” 2019
District 17 Advocacy Committee Vice-Chair for Area 2 (2012-2014; 2014-2016)
District 17 Area 2 Vice-Area Director (2022-2024)
Business / Professional Information
Current Company/Organization:
Pun & Associates
Nature of business:
Legal Consultant
Number of years in most recent position:
over 10 years
Responsibilities of position :
Legal Consultant
Contribution of business/professional experience to the effective performance of positions:
Solicitor-Hong Kong, England and Wales, Australia (NSW) & Attorney and Counselor in Law-New York; LL.B/ LL.M/ Ed.D.
Utilising legal knowledge/skills for Zonta advocacy:
Chaired Public Affairs & UN Committee (2006-2012)/ Advocacy Committee chair (2012-2014; 2018-2020); Prepared substantive submissions to government for policy changes on domestic violence (including Joint HK Zonta Clubs’ submission- 2007); Delivered presentation on domestic violence law changes in Joint HK Clubs-NGO Dialogue-2013; Conducted advocacy training in Area Meeting-2014.
I will be able to continue using my professional knowledge/skill and the transferrable skills from my legal training/practice in the performance of the position I am being nominated for.
Involvement in other organizations
- Council Member, Council of Lingnan University (HK) (completed)
- Honorary Court Member, Court of Lingnan University (HK) (honoured in 2021)
- School Manager, Lingnan Secondary School (HK) (completed)
- Lingnan Education Organization Limited (HK): Director and Member (current)
- Law Society of Hong Kong /Law Society of England and Wales: Member (current)
- Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (UK): Member (current)