Members of Nominating Committee

The District Nominating Committee (DNC) is an objective collegial body, which is independent from the District Board. It works independently in preparing the slate of candidates and is empowered to make decisions regarding candidates without explanation to anybody. Its deliberations are confidential and exclusive to its members.
The Zonta delegates of the District elect the members of the DNC every odd-numbered year, during the District Conference, together with the District Officers. This is the ONLY District Committee whose members are elected by the delegates. Members of all the other District Committees are appointed by the District Governor.
The three members of DNC are elected by plurality vote. The candidate with the highest number of votes will be the Chairman. No member of the DNC is eligible for nomination at the district level of Zonta International while serving on the committee.
The DNC plays a vital role in determining who will lead the District in the future. Its main responsibilities are as follows:
- To educate itself on the objects and programs of Zonta International, the responsibilities of each officer to be filled and the Campaigning Policy;
- To familiarize itself with the abilities and experience of Zontians in the District with a view to identifying, recruiting and encouraging qualified Zontians to accept nomination to District Board Officers ( Governor, Lieutenant Governor, District Treasurer, Area Directors, and Vice Area Directors ); and the members of the Nominating Committee;
- To define and disseminate information on the required qualifications and the responsibilities of the officers to be filled;
- To solicit nominations and to secure the consent of all nominees to be nominated and to serve, if elected;
- To disseminate to each District Officer and each club in the District at least 60 days before the District Conference, at which the election is to be held, a report listing one or more qualified candidates for each District Officer to be filled and at least five candidates for the DNC;
- To inform all concerned and enjoin compliance with guidelines and procedures on campaigning and electioneering;
- To report on the slate of candidates at the District Conference at which the election is to be held;
- To disseminate information provided by Zonta International Nominating Committee for encouraging qualified Zontians to serve as Zonta International Officers and in the Zonta International Nominating Committee;
- To keep detailed records of the DNC proceedings for six months and to dispose of such records properly.